Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about my place in the world: where I want to go, what I want to be, and how I am unique among billions of others. After a considerable degree of soul-searching, this is what I came up with, and thusly am I now a blogger. You might be asking yourself, “You claim to have searched, nay, plumbed the depths of your soul, and the only idea you could conjure up was to create a blog?” To you, I say this: Yes. There is some method to this, trust me. The way I see it, the journey is more important than reaching the finish line; I do not mind looking at individual events as mere footsteps along my greater path, even if they are baby-steps at times. Sometimes you’re allowed to walk after a sprint, I believe it’s called circuit training. So here I am, taking the proverbial first step into the unknown, steeling myself.

That aside, I feel introductions are necessary. My name is Justin Brown, I am a student at the University of California – Davis. I enjoy soccer, running, and general wild hi-jinks. That was so entirely rudimentary that I could have said it in Spanish (but I'll save that for a different blog). Apparently, a part of me decided that I could stand among the legion of bloggers. This is good, because it most likely means the unmotivated part of me has decided that staying in school is in fact in my best interest. Take that procrastination.

If you’re here, you’ve likely read Daniel’s post, and are aware that we will be maintaining a weekly topic here at BC(PO); quite frankly, I intend to provide you with premium insight. To answer our first topic, Business Casual to me is a shining beacon of possibility. It is the new day breaking over the snow-capped mountain range of potential. It is the gleam in the eye of a drooling newborn, so full to the brim with dreams and the advent of greatness. Business Casual is what ties all of us together; it is within us. Business Casual is the vessel, and you can call me “El Capitan” (please don't).

J. Biz Out

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