Hello Internet. So I guess I will start this off like any other awkward/intimate internet conversation between two strangers (as I imagine you and I are), with my A/S/L (Age/Sex/Location). If you aren’t reminded of the late 90s and early 2000s by that reference, know now, I am thoroughly disappointed.
I’m 20 years old, male, and I am currently residing in Davis California; oh, and my name is Dan the man (what were my parents thinking?). I go to college; I go to work; I eat; I sleep; I do it all over again. You may think to yourself, “Hey now, there has to be more to it than that?” Unfortunately, you would be wrong. No, don’t try to argue; wrong. In truth, what more else is there for me to do? I go to school to get an education (apparently “knowing is half the battle”). I go to work to make money (as the Beatles so aptly put it “love won’t pay the bills”… or something to that effect). I eat because eating, contrary to popular belief, is one of the single most pleasurable things an individual can partake in (I don’t want to hear it. Not a word. Food is the end all-be all of pleasures [guilty and otherwise]). I sleep because, well duh, where else can I be a super hero (Yes, that is the only purpose I see in sleep: Super hero dreams.). Ok, that last one is kind of a lie; I enjoy sleep for an innumerable amount of reasons. So yes, while occasionally other activities slip into the mix (IM soccer, parties, spending time with my amazing girlfriend [yup, I’m one of those guys who always refers to their girlfriends as “amazing”] etc.) the majority of my time is occupied by the big 4. “Dan, you are obviously so busy (obviously), why are you spending your valuable time writing a blog?” may be your next question; believe me, I’ve asked myself that very same question. The answer is simple; I no know (no you didn’t misread; I actually said “I no know”). I honestly don’t know, it just seemed like the right thing to do, and I’ve got to be honest, so far it feels like it. The title alone makes me smile, not because of its subtle commentary on the place I have reached in my life (struggling to find a balance between the life of a fledgling professional adult, who is constantly being told to dress in “business casual,” [a term I didn’t even know the definition to until I googled it about 4 months ago] and the life of a carefree college student who is perpetually confronted with situations where pants are indeed “optional”]), but because of the simple absurd spontaneity in which it was conceived. I am enjoying writing; writing freely, with no worry of the tyrannical red ink that has plagued my printed life since it began (oh so many years ago in Mr. Schmidlins first grade class). To sum up this blog, in all of the corny glory I can muster, this blog is freedom (yah, I said it, freedom).
So that is me, not everything, but enough.
On a side-note, we have decided to amend the way in which this site will operate (so soon, I know). To get a more interactive (and frankly, active in general) experience, the topics will no longer be held to a “weekly” constraint. If someone wishes to discuss something, by all means, let them discuss it. J brown has requested a new topic from me, so naturally I will oblige him.
Topic #2: College life; the good the bad and the douche bag. Comment on this.
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